
REDNVIA, jointly established with DONG-A ST, is a biotechnology company specializing in cardiovascular diseases.
Our ambition lies not only in drug repurposing but extends to the development of new medicines to innovate cardiovascular therapy.
Calcific Aortic Valve Disease (CAVD) is a disease area of high unmet medical need, currently with no other pharmacotherapy available. REDNVIA is conducting global Phase 2/3 clinical trials in collaboration with numerous world-leading medical institutions and expert researchers to establish a revolutionary treatment paradigm.
REDNVIA has undertaken the challenge to develop the world's first drug targeting heart-valve diseases.
RNV-1001 is a clinical project aimed at treating Calcific Aortic Valve Disease (CAVD) by repurposing existing type II diabetes medication. RNV-1001 is currently undergoing Phase 2/3 of global clinical trials.
REDNVIA is led by a group of expert board members widely recognized as key opinion leaders in the medical & health business industry.
REDNVIA possesses multiple global patents that are necessary for development in cardiovascular therapeutics.